14 Aug 2014

The Treasure of Self Knowledge

A man’s identity is one of the greatest forces of power he will ever reckon with. A deep seated understanding of who you are and a continuous flow of knowledge of your history, your resources, your strengths and weaknesses is enough to set you up for success in life. I have seen it happen in my short time. When the ignorant come to tap from this reserve of power their lives literally change. Where they walked hunched, feeling sorry for themselves, dancing awkwardly to the demanding beats of society, swaying like an old whore, they break off the bondage and fly away to do exploit like a butterfly from the cocoon.
Many still wonder why many African countries are backward in many regards in comparison to the western nations. Why electricity is not stable, why the economic climates of the countries are not thriving, or why after many years of independence from the colonial outpost they still do not get their heads around the concept of democracy practically? The answer is buried under the rubble of wars, terrorism and epidemics that have ravaged the continent for centuries. Lying there inside the treasure chest is the core of the African story; who they are and what they possess and what they can do with it. But sadly enough the many decades of slavery and colonialism have ravaged mama Africa, in fact it is a surprise she still stands. Leadership summits like the recent one hosted by Barack Obama may come in handy, but Africa must find her own way at the end. Billions of dollars in aid may come from the United States, the United Kingdom and China but still yet Nigerians, Libyans, Monrovians, Somalians and their brothers and sisters in other African nations must begin to open the Books of History and discover how they fit in the Big Picture called Earth.
The whole same concept applies to the individual. The story of his success and the journey to it begins with a discovery of the potent force of purpose. Everyone is asking ‘why am I here on earth?’ ‘Why was I born to the country I was born into?’ ‘Why do I have the experiences I did while I grew older?’ There are certain things in life we may never understand but these questions must be answered for us to live fulfilled. They might not come as an epiphany, but gently, in a slow mischievous whisper, pouring forth gradually year after year.
Your identity is locked in the discovery of your purpose. Find that purpose. Until you do this the darkness and emptiness will remain. You were not made to live an ordinary life; great things are in stock for you today. Stop thinking less of yourself but make demands on your capacity for results. You are a success!
Oluwatobi Gbemisola
Tweet me @TobiGbemisola

1 comment:

It's so great to hear your own side of experiences about this. What's your say? Let's get to know. Thank you.