29 Aug 2012

The reality outside vs. the reality inside

There have been times for me when I would love to do something, I would be absolutely resolved to do it and ready to take action. Then on facing that situation in which I need to act in, it's like I had become paralysed. All the resolve and decisions I had made prior to such moment seem to have fizzled into the blues. When stuff like this happens I have discovered that the anticipated reality inside just does not match the reality you met outside. Such instances are seen daily, like when you plan to walk up to somebody (probably of the opposite sex) and when that person shows up, you suddenly cannot move a muscle or say a word; or when you intend doing a particular business at a particular time. All the business plans have been written and it seems everything looks fine until when you realise that it's not really so. Maybe wrong timing or a bad market busted your balloons but in all these there is a way out. Yes there is a way out when things like such happen. There are surely steps you can take to get back on track.
First is to re-strategize. Sit your ass down and plan again. Perhaps you missed something the first time. Include the new changes you have discovered and make another move. Don't do like many other people that just fold their hands and say "it isn't really my thing anyway". In life, one needs to learn to effectively respond to feedback. It is only an Omniscient God that can be certain about what the future holds, but for us as humans, we have no choice than to use the feedback we get from the environment to our profitable use. We all have Machiavellian tendencies in us anyways. According to Personal Development Guru, Anthony Robbins, and Kent Sayre the sure fire formula for success is this:
1) You set an outcome.
2) You monitor your results you get through feedback.
3) You vary your behaviour until you get your outcome.
When the reality within does not match that of the outside world, it could lead to a drop in one's morale or level of confidence in the capacity to succeed. When such occurs, the way out is to affirm yourself to become confident again. Do not stay at one spot, hoping for things to change. If wishes were horses beggars would ride. Recollect past experiences in which you have been able to rightly navigate yourself confidently in situations that everything looked bleak. Then your confidence will surge and you will be unstoppable!

1 comment:

  1. Men, i never knew that could write so deep as this.......keep it up.


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