25 Aug 2013

Becoming the Person of your Dreams

Everyone wants to be something or somebody someday. For some its only wishful thinking, for some others it’s a strong desire and its been discovered over time that the latter most usually have their dreams come true.
Dreams do not become a reality overnight; it takes time and some amount of effort to live them. Some dreams come to pass; others do not, probably not in our time. The dream I have about robots being commonplace objects in our lives will sure come to pass, but in some years to come. Martin Luther King Jnr. had a dream but it was not until 50 years after that dream that his dream became a reality. King David had a dream but it was his son Solomon that brought the dream to life after David had departed.
In order to bring a dream from the mind to the physical, it takes one to have the ingredient of passion for that dream. No dream will live if there is no passion or strong desire for it. Do you have a strong passion for the dreams you have? If not, they might not be your dreams but that of another imposed upon you. And you shouldn’t live another man’s dream. Life is too short for that, since you only live once. Go and live your dreams and become all that you can be. Let nothing hold you back!

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