4 Jul 2012

What are you looking at?

There are times when everything looks bleak, dull, uninteresting, tiring, frustrating and you just want to get out and end it all. There are times when it all looks as if all hope is lost, all desire to continue snuffed out by the disappointments of life. When times such as these come, what do you do? Do you continue to wallow in mud of self pity and drench yourself in the waters of gloom?
Yes, most times that’s the natural, default way of reacting to situations like these. To remain in this psychological and emotional state and expect others to understand us. Well, sorry to say but how can they if they aren’t feeling the same things? Misery loves company and if misery doesn’t get its company, things get really bad. It gets worse if we find no one to have around us to comfort us in times like these. So one good thing is to have a circle of people around that are there to help us back to our feet at such times.
Besides that, our perspective of life falls and rest on how we perceive situations around us. What is focused on in one moment has a large part to play in what happens in the next moment. Focus determines body physiology, the way we relate to people, the way people see us and how we react to situations in the environment. Change on the outside does not come except there is a change from within. When one focuses on everything that is wrong and could go wrong, darkness falls but when one switches to seeing everything that’s right, like the priceless opportunity of being alive, hale and hearty, having a good and supportive family, loving and caring friends, a steady marriage, career or academic pursuit, the whole picture comes alive. The light comes on and there is a visible change of attitude.
When next you are not feeling too good inside and you would like that to change, all you have to do is to switch your perception to everything that’s good and worth being happy about in your life and not too soon from then, you’ll be thankful than ever.

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