For majority of us reading this article, I
would like to presume 3 things about you.
First I presume that you are in the youth developmental stage of living.
Second I presume that you are intent on #making2015count which is why you are
here, not elsewhere. Third is that you are probably tired at staring at your
goals at the end of each year and being discouraged to set new goals for the
coming year. The danger in that pattern of negativity results in a lifestyle of
apathy, or in what we may call Moogenic Neurosis (Google it for more info). My
mission is to help you stay motivated and #inspiringthrough2015 in the pursuit
of your goals, intents and decisions you have taken regarding 2015. By the way,
Happy new year to you! I am not dealing with how to set goals here, but instead
on how to keep in step with your set goals. So I begin!
No amount of psych up motivational talk or
literature will actualise your goals for you. It boils down to you making a
final decision to make changes in your life. Discontentment precipates change. When
you have gotten tired of being stuck in the same place for years, whether be it
your finances, relationship, career or business, you will then begin to take
the necessary and strategic steps to change your situation and your life. So
are you really tired of being broke, lonely, depressed, down with low self
esteem? If it is so then your journey to #making2015count has begun!
You must be before you do. Do before you
have-The Inside Out Approach. If your end goal is to have a fit body for
instance, be a person with a fit body. Your values and beliefs must align with
your goals. Possibility, success, wealth, confidence, discipline are necessary
values in goal setting. Goals begin with being, having and then doing. Having a
million naira begins with being a person with a million naira. Develop the
mental capacity for your goals by imbibing the values coherent with those
goals. ''If you want the secondary greatness of recognised talent, focus 1st on
primary greatness of character.''-S.R Covey
Awake! A simple but great call to reality. We
often set goals that we know in our hearts of hearts that can't be achieved. Mustering
all the willpower, endurance and self belief we can get, we still will not be
able to achieve them. Some goals are not for the present but the future. In
setting goals, take into cognizance various issues: financial, time, human,
intellectual limitations before you. There is a place of faith, but also
importantly, of wisdom. Wisdom, the Scripture says, is the principal thing. So
get wisdom by setting goals that are within your reach of achievement. Not too
low, and not too high-just enough to keep you going!
In closing, don't embark on this adventurous
journey alone. Factor in a friend, family member, mentor or personal coach as
an accountability partner to put you in check. Your wife (if married and a
male) or girlfriend will come in handy especially. Now that you have set your
goals, find someone who can ensure your continuous productivity and motivation.
Because there will be 'dark times'. Times when there will be doubt, self pity
and lots of excuses. But your accountability partner will help you through
these times pushing you to maintain momentum.
I wish you the very best of the years of
your life in 2015. And I pray that 2015 would yield more results than all other
years combined! Have a blissful 2015 friends!
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