1 Mar 2014

Just on the Facade

Many are grovelling about
Pandering and wandering like birds in the sky
With pointed noses and puffed up attitudes
Looking all as if they are in control
And being in a league of their own
They show off the best of everything
Sending shivers down the spine of others
And receiving glances mixed with jealousy

Now in his closet
When the 'party' is over
And everyone is gone
It all comes down to him alone
no more praises, no more ego lifting
Now, realizing the true person on the inside
tears pour out; gushing out in torrents
If only he had known
If only he had discovered and had been the true him
He wouldn't have lived a fake life at his best
His best was just on the facade.

Please do comment on it and tell me what you think...your input is dear to me.

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