As we live in a time unprecedented, in the time known as the 21st century, known for the jet speed of things and the abundance of information (try using Google), you cannot but agree that in these times, the cry of Wisdom has become the loudest, most obvious and most needed. Marriages are failing, businesses are closing down, people are complaining about unemployment. This cannot go beyond coming to understand that though knowledge abounds, wisdom is scarce.
Wisdom can be said to be the right practice or application of knowledge. And this is what is lacking today. There is so much knowledge everywhere: on the internet, in the library, in bookstores, from the university, in seminars and conferences, in the Holy Books etc. but in reality, there seems to be so much ignorance. Very few people make a success out of their lives. So what exactly is the problem? I would say people are not putting into action the things they learn from all these sources of knowledge. If the man that has read several books on marriage and attended countless seminars on the topic will only practice truly loving his wife for who she is then the world would have become a better plsce for both of them or the employee that after attending the training on becoming a better employee, would put just a little more effort at his job, then the organization he works for would be glad he did. He gets promoted and everyone is happy creating a win-win situation.
The bottom line here is that it’s great to read a book, attend a seminar and listen to a audio material but what really matters is putting into practice knowledge acquired. This is the best form of living few attain and it isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. So even as you learn and relearn, most importantly APPLY.
25 Aug 2013
Wisdom Calling Out!
Moving with the Times
“There is a time for everything…”-The Bible
Time is the currency of the world. Most importantly is to know the times and work with it. We cannot disregard the times and work independent of it, the results would be disastrous if that happened. Everything in the universe works around timing, living and non-living. Opportunities also work around timing. It comes and goes and it takes a man of discernment to know which opportunity to take and when to take them. Opportunities also turn stale like uneaten bread therefore it is important that one knows when to move when not to.
The following suggestions are made regarding maximizing opportunities
(1) No one is looking.
(2) BeWell prepared.
(3) Be Ready to go all the way.
(4) Do it immediately.
(5) After introspection and Prayer.
If you take an opportunity at the right time, you will reap bountiful rewards even as a farmer that sows a crop in its very soon, he will reap an harvest unparalleled to no other time!
Getting anything you want in life
In this article are time tested and proven methods to get anything you want in life. Although there are several ways to go about that, one sure fire way is through people. Before I proceed, I would not want to make you think that you should engage in manipulating other people for your own benefits but these are techniques that emphasize a win-win situation for everyone.
In life, there are two approaches to solving problems. The first but unproductive way is by being independent, that is believing in one’s full capacity to success and solve problems by oneself without the aid of other people. The second and very effective approach is to have the mindset and attitude of bring interdependent, meaning to live as having other people help and you reciprocating the gesture. The most fulfilled individuals have the second disposition as a way of life. They give and in time, receive back what they have given, sometimes many folds over.
As an interdependent person, with the need to build relationships with people and create a network, here are three suggestions of ways to create a network of individuals that you can lean on when you need to and who you have their back when the time arises:
Make contact: this basically means meeting people. But just beyond this, take note to add to your network; individuals of significance and value to you who also view you in the same light. There is a simple and straight forward way to make contatcts: Go out. Even though you may be an introverted Melancholy or Phelg, try to go out of your comfort zone to meet people aside from the regular group of friends you have. And how do you meet them? At conferences, at church, at school and on social networks. Try to meet at least a new person a week.
Follow up: this is a term common in church where a new member is followed up, i.e, he is kept in contact with. But it isn’t only a church thing. Successful individuals keep in touch with new and old contacts they make. A call, text message, email, Whatsapp or BBM message, Facebook or Twitter message are all ways to keep in touch. When you do this, the individual will appreciate this and have you in mind.
Add value: keeping in touch in itself is not enough but taking it to the next level by putting this person’s interests at the fore front makes more sense. If the person loves cars for instance, send an article on the latest race cars that you saw on the internet as an email to him, if she loves dancing, you could go to a show to see her perform. We add value to individuals based on their individuality. It takes knowing what each person wants and giving it to them. If you do this well, you will not be forgotten in a long time. If you need a job for instance, it won’t take more than a call or two and you’ll have it because you have invested in that relationship well enough to withdraw from it.
In summary, it’s not what you know that matters but who you know!
Becoming the Person of your Dreams
Everyone wants to be something or somebody someday. For some its only wishful thinking, for some others it’s a strong desire and its been discovered over time that the latter most usually have their dreams come true.
Dreams do not become a reality overnight; it takes time and some amount of effort to live them. Some dreams come to pass; others do not, probably not in our time. The dream I have about robots being commonplace objects in our lives will sure come to pass, but in some years to come. Martin Luther King Jnr. had a dream but it was not until 50 years after that dream that his dream became a reality. King David had a dream but it was his son Solomon that brought the dream to life after David had departed.
In order to bring a dream from the mind to the physical, it takes one to have the ingredient of passion for that dream. No dream will live if there is no passion or strong desire for it. Do you have a strong passion for the dreams you have? If not, they might not be your dreams but that of another imposed upon you. And you shouldn’t live another man’s dream. Life is too short for that, since you only live once. Go and live your dreams and become all that you can be. Let nothing hold you back!