30 Aug 2012

This Too Shall Pass!

There are times when during my daily routine that I remember something from the past and give a broad smile. Or other times when I ask my brother "do you remember when…" It is at such moments as this that I practically realise that life is in phases. You finish one phase and move to the next. You then, look back at those times and smile. When an insurmountable problem stands before me, I look back to all the previous ones I have overcome and tell myself "this too shall pass". If I could surmount the last one, what could possibly stop me from doing the same to this?
Friends, this is a worthy way of restoring hope when everything seems like it's finally come to an end. Just keep believing that this too shall pass. Repeat it to yourself as many times as you can while you tirelessly work at dealing with the problem.
May God help us all. Amen.

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