9 Feb 2015

god of Love

Hello and welcome to The Tablet Blog, where inspiration is not far from gearing you on your way to success. Enjoy your stay here as long as you can, welcome again!
 As much as I respect the viewpoints, opinions, perspectives and advice given by a godfather towards the life of a godchild, I also strongly feel there is a limitation to such imposition. A godfather or mentor might be relevant in dishing out instructions and advice up to a certain extent but not on some other matters, especially as regards matters of the heart. I know a young lady that has been getting a lot of disturbance from her godfather about her relationship. She strongly wants to have the relationship with a guy she made first contact with on social media but her dear godfather is telling her not to be involved with him. This in effect has rendered the relationship tumultuous every time he called or texted her. He believes she isn’t ripe for a relationship at 20, even though she feels that she is ready to love for the first time in her life. He asserts that she needs to find purpose before the relationship, but she is a woman of purpose and vision even at her young age. With all his bugging she doesn’t even know what he wants!
In such instances as this, I feel there is a major role of using one’s discretion and using wisdom to sift through a mentor’s/godfather’s advice. As much as they may want the best for us (for folks that have one), they may sometimes be wrong, just as our biological parents may be about certain decisions that concern our lives. If the matter has been settled in the place of prayer with God and you have peace about the relationship, even though your godfather is still very reluctant to give a green flag about the relationship, you can trust that God’s say is over that of his/hers. Also even the disparagement of the mentor about the relationship should be enough propellant to surge the relationship to a success. The individuals involved should stay motivated to make sure that the relationship works out enough to disenfranchise the ‘prophecy’ of the godfather.
With these few words of mine, I hope I have been able to convince and not to confuse you that godfatherism should not play a major role in the happiness experienced in a relationship but rather should God’s say be and the inputs of the two people involved.
Best Regards
©Tobi Gbemisola
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